“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” – Psalm 23:1

The three Scripture passages that the Church provides for us today all have a reference to God’s people being fed. “The Lord of hosts will provide for all peoples a feast …” (Isaiah 25, 6) “You spread a table before me…my cup overflows” (Psalm 23, 5) “He (Jesus) took the seven loaves and the fish…, gave them to the crowds. They all ate and were satisfied.” (Matthew 15, 37).

This God whom we meet in the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Scriptures consistently reveals God’s self as a Lover whose “heart is moved with pity” for people (Matthew 15, 32). Just before New Year’s 2023, I learned that I had had a heart attack. I had detected a couple of traditional symptoms, but they seemed very slight. I spent ten days in our local hospital, having several heart-related tests and being equipped with a heart monitor. January weather and Covid issues prevented more than one or two visitors. I did some reading but spent more time thinking and praying. Although I recognized the seriousness of my condition, I never felt particularly worried or upset. A line in the Fundamental Principles of the Xaverian Brothers is a favorite of mine: “Above all else, remember that your God is forever faithful” (pg 3). This verse took on special meaning and became a bit of a companion for me while waiting for surgery. I had triple bypass surgery the second week of January and received wonderful nursing and rehab care. The God of all is revealed as Someone whom we can trust. You and I can depend on God to care for us with love, even when we don’t immediately recognize that love.

Faithful God, help me to trust Your personal love for me and to assist others to grow in their trust.


Brother Robert Green, C.F.X.

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