“The days are coming, says the LORD,
when I will fulfill the promise
I made to the house of Israel and Judah.”
Jeremiah’s words remind me of a passage from the Fundamental Principles of the Xaverian Brothers:
“You were created by the God of Love, in God’s image and according to God’s likeness, to be a unique expression of that love…to the peoples of the world in these times.”
Central to Xaverian Brothers’ spirituality is the belief that God is intimately involved in our lives and God uses us to fulfill His promise of hope and love.
Br. Thomas Murphy C.F.X., who passed away last December, and was my homeroom partner for years, influenced my understanding of Xaverian spirituality. He believed that one’s vocation is not static, that God calls us to search different ministries over the course of our lives. We need to continue to be open to the ways God calls us to be witnesses of His love by serving His people and their needs. Br. Tom himself became a member of the Xaverian Brothers’ mission in Kenya after his retirement from Xaverian High School.
In preparing for the birth of Jesus, reflecting on the words of Jeremiah and the spirituality of the Xaverian Brothers, let us ask ourselves,
How is God calling us to be witnesses of His Love to the people in our lives?
Lord, help us prepare for the coming of your Son. Increase our strength for doing good so Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
John Dormer
John Dormer epitomizes the Xaverian spirituality in his daily work as the Campus Minister. As he stated, he was greatly influenced by Brother Tom Murphy (Gavin) and was even able to visit him prior to his death!