“Stand up, Jerusalem! Stand on high, and look toward the east; see your children gathered from east to west by the word of the Holy One.” (Bar 5:1-9) 

This second Sunday of Advent emphasizes the love of God that unites us all, regardless of our origins. In a world troubled, wounded by war and other problems, we must be artisans of peace, knowing that in Christ Jesus we are all brothers and sisters.  

Now is the time we must experience the love that unites us and gives meaning to our lives. Jesus is a source of joy and strength in moments of sadness. Advent is the time of boldness of believers, when we are called to become bearers of God’s radiance. The dramas of our lives and our time, whatever they may be, must not undermine our energies, on the contrary, they must multiply it. 

Our Xaverian life must be an expression of the liberating love of God our Father! We are called to leave our comfort zones and dare a new experience with Christ through our brothers and sisters. Let us allow God’s love to transform our lives and our attitudes. Let us be liberators and artisans of peace. Let us know that each of us is wanted and loved by his creator. Our fundamental principles remind us: “you are called to be one in heart and mind with your brothers in order to be able to participate in the building of the kingdom of God.” 

Free to liberate! 

Lord, may your love transform our lives so that we may recognize you in our brothers and sisters. Amen. 

Brother Augustin Nyambi, CFX 

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