“Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof;
only say the word and my servant will be healed.”
Today’s gospel from Matthew illuminates our Xaverian value of humility. Through the centurion, we see a profound faith in Jesus’ power to heal, yet also a sense of unworthiness. Yet, Jesus rises above this unworthiness, acknowledging the centurion’s remarkable faith.
Humility, as embraced by Xaverian tradition, is “the recognition of our total dependence on God. Adopting the selfless attitude of Christ, we accept that each person is a unique expression of God’s love, is gifted, and is loved in their sinful and graced humanity. We recognize our brothers and sisters as images of God with whom we journey in faith.” Such humility shines brightly through the centurion’s actions, embodying a complete faith and dependence on God.
Consider the following practices to deepen your spiritual journey during this Advent season:
- Imitate Christ’s Humility: Strive to serve others with a selfless heart.
- Create Space for Reflection: Carve out quiet moments to reflect on God’s will and how you can serve others. Shift your focus from self to Jesus.
- Engage in Acts of Kindness: Through service, let Christ’s humility shine through your everyday interactions.
- Increase Prayer and Silence: Expand your prayer life and embrace silence to deepen a spiritual connection.
Christ, help us to be more like you as we journey through this Advent season. May our humility be a reflection of the priority you hold in our lives. Amen.
Rosanna Vessels