“The LORD spoke to Ahaz: Ask for a sign from the LORD, your God….”

Ahaz, king of Judah, was not open to the Lord, ignoring his invitation to ask for a sign, much to Ahaz’ detriment, and that of his people. Exasperated, Isaiah prophesied that indeed there would be a sign through the birth of Emmanuel. 

God speaks directly to Ahaz with a clear invitation to enter into a personal relationship with God. Of course, Ahaz is a king, quite a prestigious job. Yet, we, in the course of the common, ordinary, unspectacular flow of our everyday lives, have the same invitation, and because we know Emmanuel has come as promised, and that God is indeed with us, we hear his call. We turn to God in supplication, yet also to share our hopes and fears, joys and sorrows, questions, anxieties, gratitude and love. We embrace our relationship with God. 

Pope Benedict XVI observed the substance of God is person, and God is person through relatedness, as witnessed through the Trinity. It is a wonderful gift that our human soul has the potential for a relationship with divinity, whereby each person is likewise related to and through God. Therein lies eternity. Pope Benedict also said, “What the human soul needs for salvation is an intimate openness to God.” All we need to do each day is embrace his invitation 

Lord God Emmanuel, grant that we may be ever mindful of your presence and open to all you would have us understand and become.   

Hugh & Kathy Boyle

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