Estate Planning


Xaverian Brothers Concordia Society

The Concordia Society recognizes the valuable contributions of friends who include the Xaverian Brothers in their Estate Plans. Members of this Society through their thoughtful estate planning, are ensuring a continuous commitment of support to our aged and infirm Brothers, our missionary work around the world, and our educational efforts in the US through our network of Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools.


Remembering the Xaverian Brothers in your will is a special and effective way to ensure that the mission and ministry of the Xaverian Brothers continues into the future. You may designate the Xaverian Brothers to receive a bequest of a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or specific assets such as stock securities or real estate. Your bequest can be designated for a specific purpose, for example, the care of our retired Brothers, the support of our overseas missions, or the continuation of our Xaverian Sponsored Schools. When you rewrite your will or add a codicil, please consider a charitable bequest.

IRA Charitable Contribution

Individuals who must take an annual minimum distribution from their IRA can make an IRA charitable contribution by directly transferring up to $100,000 to a charity, like the Xaverian Brothers. The IRA charitable contribution allows the individual to meet their RMD requirements without adding to their taxable income. Please contact your IRA administrator to make a qualifying transfer.


It’s now possible for you to make a gift to the Xaverian Brothers that benefits the Brothers AND yourself as well. Through a Charitable Gift Annuity, you will be guaranteed a fixed income for life (based on the amount of your gift and your age when you make the gift).

Here’s how it works:

  • You make an irrevocable gift benefitting the Xaverian Brothers through the Catholic Community Foundation of Baltimore.
  • In return, the Catholic Community Foundation agrees to make fixed payments to you for the life of the annuity. These payments will remain the same for as long as you live.
  • An additional benefit of your Charitable Gift Annuity is that a portion of the payments to you are excluded from your federal income tax.
  • Your Charitable Gift Annuity ends upon your death, at which time they will apply the balance of your gift to the beneficiary, the Xaverian Brothers.
  • The Charitable Gift Annuity Program is invested and administered by the Catholic Community Foundation of Baltimore.

If you are interested in a Charitable Gift Annuity or would like more details, please contact Stephanie Stricker at 410-646-6777 or by e-mail

Life Insurance

If you own a life insurance policy that is no longer needed for its original purpose, the cash value of such a policy may be a source from which to make a gift to the Xaverian Brothers that can provide tax savings today and may result in significant estate tax savings in the future. By transferring the policy to the Xaverian Brothers, you can receive a charitable deduction roughly equivalent to the cash value of the policy and also receive an annual deduction for the premiums you pay to keep the policy in effect.

Gifts of Securities

To make a stock gift, please provide your broker/agent with the following information:
Bank Name: U.S. Bank (777 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53202)
DTC#: 0547 (Robert W. Baird & Co.)
FFC: Xaverian Brothers USA Inc
FFC Account#: 5809-6602

Tax ID#


If you have included the Xaverian Brothers in your estate plans or would like more information about making a planned gift, please fill out this form: