Bishop Jozef DeKeselBishop Jozef DeKesel, Bishop of Bruges, visited the participants at Assembly 2012 on Tuesday, 17 July.  

Br. Larry Harvey welcomed the Bishop and spoke about the special relationship the Bishop of Bruges had with Theodore James Ryken when the Congregation was founded.  Br. Larry went on to mention how the Bishop is the "neighbor" of the Brothers, and how the Bishop celebrates daily mass with the Brothers most days when he is in Bruges.

The Bishop gave a beautiful welcome to the Assembly participants, spoke a little bit about the church in Belgium, and then spoke about the challenges faced in Western Europe, the US and Africa in being witnesses to the gospel.  He thanked the Brothers, Associates and Collaborators for the witness they bring in their respective roles.

He also expressed his appreciation for the hospitality of the Brothers in Bruges with whom he prays each morning, celebrates liturgy and has breakfast.

Following his remarks, which were delivered in English and French, the Bishop blessed the Assembly and joined us for the mid-day meal.

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