Read the first reflection of this series on Xaverian Sponsorship: Living the Present with Passion & A Grateful Look at the Past
One of the exhortations found in the Brothers’ Fundamental Principles says the following: “the gift you have received, give as a gift.” Be that gift our brotherhood, or our desire to be Church in new ways or our deep desire to bring our school to a new level of understanding of their place in the Church, the Xaverian Congregation embraces with hope a very uncertain future. We are aware of the challenges facing our sponsored schools. We are not paralyzed by fear or pessimism. Presently the Congregation is in the process of reading “the signs and needs of the times.” Along with our lay partners we will spend 2015 reviewing all aspects of our present sponsorship model to make sure that it continues to serve our young people, their families, our faculties, administrators and board members as we embrace the future.
We thank God for the gifts we have received throughout the past 175 years. We pray that the Spirit continues to capture our hearts and minds in order to discern what we need to being doing to keep Jesus’ mission and Ryken’s charism alive and responsive to the needs of our Church and world. Reviewing our deep story of the past 175 years gives us great hope and trust that the Spirit will continue to move us. We pray therefore, “Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts and minds with your light, your wisdom and your strength that we may be true to the Xaverian charism and will to “sell all we have for this pearl of great price.”
Thank you for sharing a photo of the former Novitiate chapel in Leonardtown Maryland. For a while Ryken/Saint Mary’s HS used it as a library. Duncan Farmer, formerly Brother Guy and a Juniorate graduate, was instrumental as a Board member to have this converted back to a chapel. I lived/prayed here for 26 months and have been back since then. Thank you!