“We’re trying our best to keep the children at peace within the facility by engaging their minds in practical activities,” said Brother Edmond Juma. The Ryken Center for Hope in Bungoma, Kenya has been working to create space for children to play amid the stresses and panic caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, while strictly adhering to the health protocols provided by The World Health Organization (W.H.O.).
“In our small ways, we have tried to put up some structures that would help us in poultry and animal keeping,” said Brother Edmond. “Projects aimed at facilitation of income to the Center.”
Brother Edmond reports that he hopes to harvest maize in the Center’s farm with hopes of reducing food cost in their budget at least for a few months depending on how the field yields.
“I am pleased and thankful to the Almighty for the gift of life He has freely blessed the staff and children with amid the pandemic,” said Brother Edmond.
Work Continues at Ryken Primary School

At the Brother George Center in Likasi, Congo, construction work continues at the Ryken Primary School. Brothers Zacharie, Ananie, Vital, Serge, Alain, and Gracien are overseeing the project. This very needed center was started by Frère Georges, a Belgian Xaverian Brother who was completely mission-driven and committed to the poor; especially the youth of Congo where he spent over 50 years serving.