“When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home”
– Matthew 1:18-25
The Gospel today focuses on Joseph and his gracious response to what God wants of him. He accepts his role in the Holy Family. This triggers an important two-fold focus question: How do we know what God wants of us? How does God communicate with us? Many spiritual writers believe this is manifested deep within, where the Spirit dwells. According to Thomas Hart, a spiritual writer and director, “God’s purpose for us is found deep within ourselves, in the place where we find our own life-orientation or destiny. What God wants for us, and what we are, are consistent with each other.” Therefore, the challenge is to discover at a deep level who we are and what our priorities are.
My own personal experience mirrors the above belief and gives me an example of God’s will being followed. Years ago, my mother lived with Alzheimer’s for over ten years. Her main caretaker was my dad. His devotion to my mom gave a clear example of a person following what God had in mind for him. He was a leader in church and civic activities, serving on numerous boards, and a firm believer that God wants us to love and respond to the needs of others. Faced with his wife’s condition, he prayed, especially the Rosary, every day. He refocused his priorities and retired from outside activities. His priority was seeing that his wife received the best possible care. When it was decided that her needs would best be met in a nursing home, he made the decision to accompany her. Fortunately, he was able to get a two-room suite in the nursing home. Mom had the bedroom, and he slept on a sofa bed in the living room. We five children will never forget the example he set by giving of himself in this way. It continues to inspire us to be for others. As my dad would say, “It is all about love, service, and commitment.”
Loving God, give me the grace to make my decisions in life by always discerning what is the most loving thing to do which is discovered deep within myself.
Brother Cornelius Hubbuch
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