By Brother Daniel Skala, General Superior, CFX
During the coronavirus pandemic our world has changed requiring all of us to make adjustments in how we live and work. Some of these changes and the uncertainty of the future can cause anxiety. Measures have been implemented to keep us safe from the virus including the closing of schools, churches, and workplaces. Throughout this ordeal we are learning new ways to communicate and connect virtually while maintaining social distancing. I am impressed with the creativity and resilience of the Xaverian community, Brothers, Associates, Partners in Mission, and the XBSS network, to overcome obstacles and buoy one another’s confidence. There is a renewed focus on what really matters: our mission as a Xaverian community “called to be of one heart and one mind so that we can participate in the building up of the kingdom of God.” Consequently, there is a tremendous outpouring of care and concern, a genuine solidarity, and new ways of service.
At the Generalate Offices in Baltimore our staff has been working remotely from their homes to continue our services. In our retirement communities, Xaverian House and Ryken House, strict guidelines have been implemented to keep the Brothers safe, so no visitors are allowed. All our sponsored schools in the US, Europe, Africa and Haiti have been closed down yet online and distance learning are flourishing. The international Xaverian network has come together, through Zoom, in prayer. This show of unity was a great support and a reminder to go beyond our selves and become a healing presence in our communities and families. Some of the many ways the Brothers and our schools have developed to stay connected, to experience community, and to do service are found in the articles that follow. Our mission continues to thrive amidst change brought on by the pandemic. Now more than ever, we rely on one another and our faith. Easter helps us understand that God is with us no matter the circumstances of our lives. I invite you to join in our mission so that you too may experience God’s closeness during these unprecedented days.
The international Xaverian community thanks you for your prayers and financial support. Your generosity makes us more humble and deeply grateful. In a recent homily about life after COVID-19, Pope Francis “expresses the hope that, in the light of the Resurrection, we would encounter the necessary antibodies of justice and solidarity” to build “a civilization of love and hope.” This new community will require all of us to make a commitment to service, to sharing our gifts with one another. Be assured of the prayers of the entire Xaverian community for your health and your family’s. Please pray for us.
God Bless you,
Brother Daniel Skala, General Superior, CFX

Thank You Malden Catholic Alumni James McAvoy passed away this week at the age of 95 years. His four sons are also MC alumni. We would like to put in his obituary a address where donations can be sent to support Xaverian Brothers in need . If you could forward a name and address we will request donations . Thank You Daniel McAvoy