“Yes, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who will endure the day of his coming?”
– Malachai 3:5
It was truly unprecedented. The fullness of the universe was humbled and made vulnerable, coming near in the most ordinary and unexpected way. Divinity curled up inside a lowly manger; cradling the son of God. A small and meek gift from above, this child was not the earthly ruler that was expected, but rather the unexpected heavenly king. The script had been flipped as God’s infinite grandeur, power, might, and majesty was manifested in a vulnerable baby, born to poor parents in the tiny village of Bethlehem.
In the words of our Founder, Theodore James Ryken, the Holy Spirit is an admirable artist, not bound either by rules or models, working where and how God wills. Like the birth of our Lord Jesus, we can expect the fullness of almighty God to show up in the unexpected; in places of humility and simplicity, and the common, ordinary, and unspectacular flow of everyday life.
This year could also be described as unprecedented. While none of us could anticipate such tumultuous trials, God has used the challenges to reveal Himself in ways we would not have otherwise known or been able to see. As we prepare for Christ’s coming, may we make room for God to come as and how He wills, keeping the unexpected in mind. It is in unforeseen times that God may be prompting us to go further, to search deeper, to take another step forward in the darkness believing that he will indeed provide.
Heavenly Father, as we prepare for Your coming, may our faith be stretched so we too may endure. Help us to faithfully step up and step out in uncertainty, trusting in You.
Joshua Kinney
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