“He called them, and immediately they left their boat and their father and followed Him” – Matthew 4:22
Admittedly, today’s Gospel has always been jarring to me. Leave everything: who I am, family, home, security—and start over? Who could do that? Today, we read of the call of Peter and his brother Andrew, who did exactly that.
As I knew very little about Peter’s older brother, whose feast we celebrate today, I decided to do some research. Andrew was a man of clear insight, logical thinking, and firm in his decisions, uncomfortable with praise and insincerity. To those characteristics I can easily relate! I suspect I am not alone in being uneasy with praise for the gifts and talents God has granted me. I am equally uneasy in accepting praise for gifts I do not possess. Each of these apostles loved Jesus, and I suspect were drawn to some personality trait they admired.
As followers of Jesus, many people have shared their commitment and talents with me. They have likewise helped form who I have become as an individual. Hopefully, I have been able to have that same effect on others. I think of the lyrics to the song “We are Companions on the Journey,” and how we are blessed to learn from the talents that God has given to others as well as to share with them the gifts we possess. During this season of hope, it is my personal hope not only that we continue to share our gifts with others but also that we are inspired by the talents of all whom we meet each day of our lives.
God, give each of us the ability to recognize and share our talents for the good of all and the building of Your Kingdom.
Bill Gorman
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