“When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child she gave birth to a son” – Luke 1:57
Everyone was created in the likeness of God. Every person is born with a purpose and a calling, which they can either fully realize or utterly miss. Christian lives are impacted by the Holy Spirit, which helps us understand His intentions for us. When the Spirit confirms that we are in the appropriate place at the right time for our assigned calling, we experience serenity and boldness.
The objective of John the Baptist’s birth was to announce the coming of Jesus. His miraculous conception demonstrates God’s kindness and generosity. When he wrote on the tablet to verify the accuracy of the child’s name that his wife had already mentioned, Zechariah’s ability to speak once again returned. Do I hesitate to proclaim accurate revelation? Do my desires to appease particular people prevent God’s plan and promises from being realized in my life and the lives of those around me? Am I kind both in my words and in my actions? Do I comprehend all the mercies God has shown me during the years? Do I enjoy and find fulfilment in being humble and sharing Jesus’ message, like John did?
The ultimate source of all significance in the universe is Jesus Christ. All people will be guided to the Father via Christ. How can we hope to create a society where everyone follows God’s path? Only when men and women work together to fulfill the oneness Christ’s atonement promises us.
Father, through the virgin birth of Christ, You display the magnificence of Your glory to the world. Give us genuine faith and love so we can celebrate the wonder of God becoming human.
Brother Christopher Mwima, C.F.X.
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