In Memoriam: Brother Cornelius E. Hubbuch, C.F.X.
(Brother DeMontfort)
Brother Cornelius died at Nazareth Home on December 2, 2023. He was born in Louisville, KY on June 7, 1936, to Cornelius E. Hubbuch, Sr. and Mary Louise Rueff, who predeceased him along with his sister Carolyn Knop and his brother Glen. Brother Cornelius is survived by his sister Marilyn Allen, brother John, sister-in-law Linda Hubbuch, as well as many nieces and nephews, in multiple generations. In later years, he delighted in being able for the first time in many years to join in and even organize different family events as the favorite Uncle Buddy to so many.
He grew up in Louisville, graduated from St. Xavier HS in 1954, joining the Xaverian Brothers the same year and receiving the religious name Brother DeMontfort. Brother Cornelius was a Xaverian Brother for 69 years and held three college degrees—a BA from The Catholic University of America, and MA’s from Wesleyan University in CT and Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley CA.
The Xaverian Fundamental Principles remind us that the heart of discipleship is to recognize that all is gift.
As a disciple of Jesus Christ,
you are called to follow in His footsteps
and minister God’s healing touch of love,
through word and deed,
to all whom you meet in your journey of life.
Following undergraduate school, he taught at Xaverian HS in NY (1960-68). His next assignment was as principal of Ryken HS in Leonardtown, MD until 1976. Then began a long series of Congregational leadership positions as Provincial of the American Xaverian Central Province until 1982, and Vicar General of the Congregation from 1989 to 2001. In between and after leadership roles, Brother Cornelius worked with priests and religious from around the world in a religious life renewal program at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, CA and at the Carter Centre (Southdown) in Toronto, Canada, as well as serving on Congregational leadership teams primarily involved in personnel and formation work, as well as with Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools. This included teaching periods in Congo and Kenya for the Xaverian Brothers and retreat work for many diocesan priests’ groups and men and women religious in the US, Canada, Australia and Asia. He also visited and encouraged our mission and presence in both Bolivia and Haiti.
In 2014, Brother Cornelius retired from an active Congregational leadership role. He moved to Ryken House in Louisville and with this Louisville Xaverian Community moved to Treyton Oak Towers in 2021. In the years since, he was active in the Xaverian Associates program, retreat work, and different activities at St. Xavier HS. While in residence at Treyton Oak Towers, Brother Cornelius actively engaged with the Brothers and fellow residents and participated with them on various committees. He offered his listening skills to many for a “life review” reflecting on their life journey and experiences. Residents of all backgrounds expressed their love for him and are most grateful for his presence among them.
As I reflect on our Xaverain way in the Fundamental Principles, I see the face and life of Brother Cornie become manifest before my eyes and heart. The words seem to focus on who and for whom Cornie lived his life:
You are called then by your Founder
to enter into a true mutual sharing with your brothers and sisters.
This sharing will demand of you
an opening and a giving of yourself
to them at many levels,
and a ready acceptance of each of them
in all their sinful and graced humanity.
Listen to your brothers and sisters,
be compassionate with them in their difficulties,
bear with them in their weaknesses,
encourage and support them.
Affirm your brothers and sisters in their gifts,
for by doing so you enable them
to realize the gifts that God has given them for service.
In turn, allow them to affirm you
and call you forth to even greater service of God.
Cornie continually challenged us as a band of brothers to grow in holiness and to be fearless in sharing our talents with others, so that they might better appreciate the love God has for them.
He modeled a spirit of hospitality, being approachable and available, as a true brother who accompanies them in the joys and sorrows of their lives.
Brother Cornelius exemplified our Xaverian way of attentiveness, simplicity, flexibility, and openness to the common, unspectacular flow of everyday life. He united himself to God through an integrated life of both contemplation and service. Every morning was devoted to personal prayer, meditation, exercise, and spiritual reading.
In early November 2023, declining physical health and memory issues required a move to Nazareth Home where he received the skill and kindness that the Nazareth staff have shown the Xaverian Brothers for many years. Brother Cornelius requested that he be cremated, and his cremains be buried in the Xaverian cemetery on the St. Xavier HS campus.
In July 2024, Cornie would have been a Xaverian Brothers for Seventy Years!
Rest in peace, good and faithful servant, and brother!
Brother Kenney Gorman, CFX
Arrangements for the services for Brother Cornelius Hubbuch:
Saturday, December 9, 2023
St. Agnes Catholic Community – 1920 Newburg Rd. Louisville, KY
Visitation at 10:30am
Funeral Liturgy at 11:00am.
Click here to watch a Profile video of Brother Cornie.
Click here to watch a video on ‘Love’ according to Brother Cornie.
God bless Brother Cornelius! He just celebrated his 87th birthday. What a great gift to now be in heaven. Brother DeMontfort started at Xaverian HS when I was a sophmore. He moderated the Shore Road Local and we worked very closely for three years. As a former Brother myself, I was able to maintain contact through the years with Brother. Amelia and I are proud to call him our friend. We ask for his prayers now that he is with God. What a wonderful, happy devoted Brother!
Cornie was a gentle leader and a very caring person. As provincial of the Xaverian Brothers and President of CMSM, he was a speaker at the first New Ways Ministry symposium in 1981. His pastoral words from that talk are part of the book, Homosexuality and the Catholic Church (Thomas More Press, 1983). He was an advisory board member of New Ways Ministry from the early 2000’s til 2017. He championed not only LGBTQ people, but anyone in need. You have been a good role model for us, Cornie. RIP.
The world was a better place for your having been in it, always cheerful, with a great big hello and a hug every time we met. You were a strong and gifted leader among the XBs. We will all miss you terribly. I first got to know you well in 1989, the year I entered the Institute for Spirituality and Worship sabbatical program at JSTB. You helped guide me through a very difficult time in my life and I am forever grateful to you for the support and advice you gave me. You were both a mentor and a friend to me. I will never forget that. Thank you and RIP.
Knew him ‘bieflly’ as our principal at Ryken HS, my senior year, 68-69. Just wanted to chime in to say what a positive influence he was for all of us then. May his memory be eternal!
A wonderful tribute to this amazing Brother
I emailed him around 2005 that I got clean and sober in Jan of 1991. I never got to write him back that this Jan I will have 33 years.
He greeted our Senior Class in the fall of 1968 and I was acting up and he brilliantly with great compassion shut me down! I will never forget all this firm kindness.
Cornie was my first spiritual director, when I was a student at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley in the early 90’s. I recall his compassion, wisdom, joy and encouragement, which were grounded in his love of Jesus and his celebration of others in the wholeness of their humanity. He was a kind man who exuded a very positive energy. I will always be grateful to him.
What a wonderful man and CFX! I have known the brothers since ai was in college in VA. I also taught at SMR in Maryland and Encounter Retreats in Richmond, VA. I visited Cornie over the past years few years here in KY and had lunch with him in August. RIP Cornie.
Cornie was a treasure of a colleague and friend when we worked together in the renewal program at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley. A remarkable human being, his enthusiasm for life shone through his leadership, teaching, and wise guidance. Cornie’s life touched countless others during those years and beyond. So much gratitude for his life among us!