On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 18, almost two-thirds of American Xaverians were able to participate in the recent Jubilee celebration held at St. John’s Preparatory School in Danvers, MA. More than 50 Brothers and Associates honored the 2020 and 2021 Jubilarians in the largest in-person gathering of Brothers in 16 months and an extraordinary celebration of Xaverian brotherhood and mission.
The program was planned by Brothers Brian Davis, Paul Murray, Richard Mazza, Richard Lunny, Robert Green, and David Wiggin. The Eucharist was concelebrated in the School Chapel by Monsignor Frank Scollen, an alumnus of St. John’s in Shrewsbury, Father Robert O’Grady, good friend of the Xaverian House community, and XB Associate Father Daniel Magni. Jubilarian Brothers Paul LaBelle and Joseph Pawlika did the readings; Joe was also the server. Jubilarian Brothers Daniel Lynch and William Cushing brought the gifts to the altar, after which all those celebrating anniversaries renewed their vows facing the congregation. General Superior Brother Daniel Skala reflected on the event after communion, and read names of each Jubilarian as they received congregational gifts from General Councilor Brother Brian Davis.
Lovely New England weather allowed Brothers and Associates to enjoy very popular refreshments on the patio outside St. John’s Brother William Drinan Campus Ministry Center, before gathering indoor for the special Jubilee banquet following the mass. Conversations and laughter filled in the space as Brothers “caught up with” each other after about two years apart. Such conversations were preceded and followed by similar lively talks among the nine visitors and residents at Xaverian House. Brother Daniel Skala thanked the Jubilarians for their contributions to the Xaverian legacy of service, and for inspiring all by their faithful witness to God’s word.
Most of the visitors had also been able to participate gratefully in the rededication of our cemetery across the street. Click here to access the Jubilarian booklet and here to view more photos of the event.

What a wonderful experience it was to teach with these amazing men. I hope they are all enjoying some quiet time after devoting their lives to educating young men in the Northeast. I loved my years teaching at Xaverian and Malden Catholic.
Wonderful to see the Brothers in prayer and celebration. I so loved my years of service with them at XBHS. God bless. Brother Robert Wickman, FSC