Brother Peter Fitzpatrick, C.F.X.

In Memoriam:Brother Peter Fitzpatrick, C.F.X. (Brother Benedict)1928-2020  Nothing is more practical than finding God, nothing is more practical Than falling in Love in a quite absolute, final way.What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination,Will affect everything.                                  [read more]

Brother Philip G. White, CFX

At the age of ninety-four, Brother Philip White was the "Dean" of our Congregation. The oldest Xaverian Brother alive. The word "alive" best describes Brother Philip’s stance toward life, toward the students he taught and their families and toward his Brothers in community. Phil was born in Boston on March 21, 1925 to Mary and Harry White. He was one of six children. This three sisters and two brothers have pre-deceased him. Phil grew up in Quincy. He met the Xaverian Brothers as a student at Mission High School in Roxbury.[read more]

Brother Arcadius Alkonis, CFX

Brother Arcadius Alkonis died last night, just before midnight. In addition to his ministry in Brooklyn, the Bronx, Bardstown KY, and Danvers, Arcadius spent almost twenty-five years as a missionary in Kenya. Brother Arcadius, in his very full life, embodied the spirit of the above exhortation.[read more]

Brother Henry Francis Marino, CFX (Brother Rigo)

Brother Henry Francis would have celebrated his 85th birthday on September 30, 2019. He enjoyed a full life. He impacted many people. Henry was born and raised in Brooklyn. The son of Henry and Lucia Marino, immigrants from Sicily, Henry was the youngest of four children. He had three sisters. The Marino’s formed Henry in the love of family, Church, the value of education, and naturally his love of the Italian language, cuisine and culture. Henry graduated from New Utrecht Public High School in 1952. After being admitted to Saint John’s University, Henry completed his undergraduate degree in English Literature[read more]

Pentecost 2019

With Pentecost a few days off, I want to wish each of you ‘Holy Pentecost!’ A joyful feast, Pentecost recalls the birth of our Christian community and recalls the great ‘fear that paralyzed Jesus’ followers.’ An awe-filled moment in the life of the disciples, Pentecost was a breakthrough event. It broke the chains of fear that fettered the hearts of Jesus’ followers.[read more]

Congregational Letter | Vol. 6, No. 7

The Gospel reading from St. John for the Fifth Sunday of Easter holds special meaning for me. Emotional events, both terribly sad and understandably joyful, have filled the past three weeks. The Gospel is an excerpt from Jesus’ very intimate sharing with his disciples hours before the sacrifice of His death. As I listened Saturday evening to the following words, a number of vivid images and feelings filled my mind and heart and have stayed with me.[read more]