Orangeburg | Living the Present with Passion

In his Apostolic Letter to those in Religious Life, Pope Francis, in speaking about “living the present with passion,” writes: Recalling our origins (“grateful remembrance for the past”) sheds light on yet another aspect of consecrated life. Our founders and foundresses were attracted by the unity of the Apostles with Christ and by the fellowship[read more]

Orangeburg | A Grateful Look at the Past

During this Year for Consecrated Life, we are asked to gratefully remember the past, especially the history of the Congregation since Vatican II. In this reflection, we consider the opening of the mission of the St. Joseph Province (American Northeast Province) in Orangeburg, SC in 1984. In later reflections the establishment of other missions will[read more]

Harold Boyle | Embracing the Future with Hope

Read the first and second reflection in this series: Harold Boyle | A Grateful Look at the Past & Harold Boyle | Living the Present with Passion Human memory is not mere nostalgia for, or sentimentality about, the past. It is a vibrant and creative source of formation. It is one of the incarnational sources[read more]

Harold Boyle | Living the Present with Passion

Read the first post of this series: Harold Boyle | A Grateful Look at the Past Just several weeks before his death on January 13, 1993, his 77th birthday, Brother Harold’s community at Xaverian House, Danvers gathered to celebrate his 60th anniversary as a Xaverian Brother. After communion Harold offered a very brief but significant[read more]

Harold Boyle | A Grateful Look at the Past

  On September 16, 1932 at the age of 16 years, Harold Boyle entered the Xaverian Congregation and some months later entered the novitiate, taking the name of Brother Climacus. His patron thus became 7th century monk and spiritual teacher John Climacus. In his great ascetical work, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, John wrote: Those[read more]

Remaining in Congo | Embracing the Future with Hope

Read the earlier installments of this reflection: “A Grateful Look at the Past,” and “Living the Present with Passion.” The last two weeks have been a wonderful reflection on the spirit of the Congregation in Congo in the past, the present, and now into the future. Here are the thoughts of some Brothers who are[read more]