On Trusting in God

Brother Bede Benn, C.F.X. is a member of the community at Xaverian House in Danvers, Massachusetts. In this clip he talks about trusting in God as he lives into older age. Brother Bede is seemingly as carefree as one can be, and to many brothers Bede is a living saint, a role model. Transcript: “Well[read more]

Remember Brother Lambert

Graduating from Mount Saint Joseph in May of 1936, Howard Bents entered the Congregation at Old Point Comfort in November of 1936 and received the Holy Habit and the name Lambert on Saint Jo-seph’s Day in 1937. The mystery of his short postulancy died with Brother Lambert! Upon his gradua-tion from Catholic University in 1942,[read more]

On Street Kids Ministry

The Xaverian Brothers have been in Bungoma, Kenya for many years and have for a long time been working with street children there. In this video clip several postulants, along with Brother Dominique and collaborator Francis, can be seen and heard interacting with the young boys of Bungoma’s streets. Every Friday the Brothers meet the[read more]

Remember Brother John Carpenter

Our Founder’s heritage of experiencing his vocation as “falling in love with the service of God” has been received by many of our Brothers, and John Carpenter was certainly one of those. Brothers and lay per-sons who got to know John saw an uncomplicated man who shared his heart with them. This was particu-larly observable[read more]

On Students in Likasi, DRC

Brother François is currently serving as Headmaster at the Complexe Scolaire Tutazamie in his hometown, Likasi, Congo (DRC). In this video clip Brother François speaks about how being from Likasi motivates him to prepare his students to encounter the broader economic and social issues in the town and the country. Transcript: “You know, the kids[read more]

Remember Brother Edward Burns

In the eulogy which Brother Stephen Comeau wrote about Brother Edward, a very unique and dear teacher emerges: “He was a versatile teacher, whether the subject matter was religion, French, history or mathematics.  His willingness to accept almost any teaching schedule presented to him was one of his remarkable traits.  In typical Ed Burns fashion[read more]

Remember Brother Michael Angelus

Known as “The Angel” or “The Spirit,” Brother Michael Angelus came from hearty Maine stock, and he had a stubborn streak as deep as the rocks of his native state.  When Brother Michael Angelus entered the Brothers in 1917, it took him three days to travel by train from Maine to Baltimore, and the Brother[read more]