On Being Byzantine Rite

Brother Clement currently resides at Xaverian House in Danvers, Massachusetts. In this clip he talks about his Ukrainian Catholic heritage and what that means to him as a Brother in a Roman Catholic religious order. Transcript: “When I was baptized in the Eastern Church, you are baptized, you are confirmed, and you are given your[read more]

Remember Brother David Samuel Eddy

Born in Worcester, Massachusetts, David was the third of the seven children of Robert and Irene Eddy. Transferring into Saint John’s High School for his junior year, somewhat against his will, David an-nounced to his parents, after six months at Saint John’s, that he intended to become a Xaverian Brother. He never looked back. Entering[read more]

2013 Jubilee Celebration Webcast

  The Jubilee Celebration took place on Saturday, June 8th in Xaverian Brothers High School in Westwood, Massachusetts. If you missed the mass, you’re in luck! We have a recording just below. Additionally, below we’ve posted the text of Brother Lawrence Harvey’s reflection from the ceremony.   Grant that we, who call on you in[read more]

The Closing of Xavier Center

Last Wednesday, Xavier Center in Danvers, Massachusetts commemorated its closing with a ceremony that brought together friends and Brothers. In the following clip Brother John Hamilton, C.F.X. and Brother Romeo J. Bonsaint, S.C. give their appreciation to those who participated in the many years of formation classes that took place at Xavier Center.[read more]

Remember Brother Talbot McSharry

James Patrick McSharry attended Cardinal Hayes High School and St. Joseph’s Juniorate before entering the congregation on September 19, 1950. At vestition he received the name “Talbot” in honor of the Venerable Matt Talbot, a saintly man from Dublin, Ireland who struggled long and fiercely to overcome the addictive bonds of alcoholism. Little could young[read more]

On The Great Pumpkin Thief

Brother Ed Keefe, C.F.X. tells the story of “The Great Pumpkin Thief,” a former student at St. John’s Prep. Brother Ed had to teach the boy a lesson, but to this day The Great Pumpkin Thief and Brother Ed are friends. The boy, now man, has given many gifts to the Congregation that supported Brother[read more]

Remember Brother Thomas Reidy, C.F.X.

The old adage, “Once a Marine, always a Marine” certainly applied to Brother Thomas Reidy. The mili-tary bearing from his time with the Marines never left him, and his novitiate classmates affectionately called him “Captain Reidy.” After graduating from Archbishop Stepinac High School, where he met the Xaverian Brothers, and Providence College, John Edmond joined[read more]

On Changing the Plan

Brother Joe Pawlika, C.F.X. is a guidance counselor at Xaverian Brothers High School in Westwood, Massachusetts. In this clip he discusses his efforts to stay open to God’s presence in every moment, despite the plans he has made for his day. <strong><em>Transcript:</em></strong> “At the beginning of the day, I go to school pretty early and[read more]

Remember Brother Columba, C.F.X.

Born desperately poor, a Protestant in a Catholic part of Ireland, James Wallace was brought up by his grandmother. He left school at 13,  preferring to be outdoors in the country working on the farm and in the fields with the animals. He thus learned a lot about nature and retained throughout his life a[read more]

On Xaverian Mission

Brother Marc Kabwita Mufuka, C.F.X. is on the formation team at the International Novitiate in Kipushi, Congo (DRC). In this clip he talks about his personal understanding of the Xaverian charism in mission. Transcipt: “Love and compassion…as a Xaverian Brother, I think it is our–what can I say–our quality, yeah, our quality to be there[read more]