December 21

Today’s Gospel reading from Luke echoes the feast of the visitation. Mary has just said her “yes” to become the mother of the Savior, learns of her cousin Elizabeth’s late-in- life pregnancy and journeys to help her[read more]

December 19

Through today’s Gospel, we see Elizabeth discovering Mary as the mother of the Lord. Elizabeth recognizes this dignity of Mary through a very ordinary action: Mary’s visit to her[read more]

December 18

Joseph decided to divorce Mary quietly, not wanting her shamed. Unlikely in a little town like Nazareth though. Tough decision! Why not sleep on it?[read more]

December 17

Every time we assemble for Eucharist, we are challenged to focus and listen attentively to the proclamation of the word of God, the message and the proclaimer[read more]

December 16

The Psalms of David were my grandmother’s favorite. She loved the poetic writing of a man expressing his relationship and walk with God in the good and bad, through a variety of emotions and experiences[read more]

December 15

Years back, when my children were in grade school, we were gathered around the television on Good Friday, watching a movie on the life of Christ.[read more]