Eighteen Catechumens Take the First Step to Baptism at St. Patrick’s

On June 16at St. Patrick’s Boys Secondary School in South Sudan, 18 young men took their first step toward baptism. Brother Bernard Mujibi prepared the program. Father Vincent, the parish priest for St. Joseph Parish, and a St. Patrick’s priest celebrated mass. James Nicholas Wesonga, who is a volunteer at St. Patrick’s, accompanied the 18[read more]

A Visit to Kenya & South Sudan

The General Superior, Brother Daniel Skala, C.F.X., and the General Councilors Brothers Brian Davis, Lawrence Harvey, Patrick Fumbisha, and Dominique Olondo continued their canonical visitation in September to Kenya and South Sudan[read more]

2022 Ryken Society Mission Video

We have a very strong and rich legacy of service in the Xaverian tradition and at this moment in our history we need to discern how God is calling us anew to love as those missionary disciples[read more]