December 5

The church slowly filled that chilly December morning. Parishioners found their usual seats; neighbors greeted neighbors; altar servers lit candles; singers opened choir books; parents shushed fidgety children.[read more]

December 4

Today’s Gospel reading is a story of both desperation and empowerment. We encounter Christ in the midst of his travels, teaching and healing the communities surrounding Jerusalem.[read more]

December 2

In these passages from Matthew’s Gospel, we hear Jesus speaking to us about building our houses on rock and not on sand so that they will withstand the rains and the winds that will surely come[read more]

December 1

My two-year-old daughter loves to play hide and seek. She forces everyone in the family to hide and will start looking for them right when she counts[read more]

November 29

Every year as Advent begins, I reflect on how to prepare for Jesus’ birth. I often have aspirations for quiet prayer, contemplation and solitude.[read more]