A Letter on Founder's Week from Brother Lawrence Harvey, C.F.X.

The following was orginally sent as an email to Brothers, Associates, and Collaborators on November 26, 2012, the Anniversary of the Death of Theodore James Ryken. Dear Brothers, Associates, and Xaverian Collaborators, For some years now we have taken the 8-day period between November 26 (the anniversary of the death of the Founder) and  December 3[read more]

The Privilege of Living the Lives of Martha and Mary in an Intercultural Xaverian Family by Brother Placide Ngoie Munanga, C.F.X.

  Often, when I’m trying to find the words to express something that is important for me personally or for the community — for example how I live the Xaverian charism or more than that what I felt and what I still feel when I realized that I’ve fallen in love with God and with His service and what[read more]

Impressions of Bruges Number 1 from Gwen Costello

From July 16-­‐20, I was privileged to attend the Xaverian Brothers “Charism” Assembly in Bruges Belgium as an Associate. There were six of us there: Alice Hession and Kevin Shearer (both also representing Xaverian Brothers Sponsored Schools), Mike Buckley, Jeannette Suflita, Richard and me. Each of us will be sharing our impressions with you. Me[read more]


UNE DESCRIPTION DU CHARISME XAVERIEN (Introduction à une définition générale du charisme destiné aux frères, associés et collaborateurs) Nous, Frères Xavériens, associés et collaborateurs, constituons une vraie famille religieuse qui désire réaliser les aspirations spirituelles que Théodore Jacques Ryken avait en vue pour sa Congrégation (1). En suivant la route tracée par notre Fondateur, nous[read more]