Brother Bonaventure Scully resides in Danvers, Massachusetts. In this clip he discusses the importance of others in our spiritual life. In order to more fully know ourselves, we need the feedback of others. That is community. Transcript: “So, I think, what’s in a person doesn’t always come out. It comes out by the way he…[read more]
Brother John Collins lives in Adams, MA and has served the Congregation as a Spiritual Director and Formator for many years. At one time in his life, he lived with, and was the caretaker of, two severely disabled young men. In this clip he briefly discusses the significance of that experience for his life as…[read more]
Brother Peter Donohue, C.F.X., now retired and living at Xaverian House in Danvers MA, ministered for many years in the American prison system. He managed the Education Department in Baltimore and also served in Los Angeles County for many years. He recounts the difficulty of getting people to see prisoners with the eyes of Jesus.…[read more]
Brother Cornie Hubbuch, C.F.X. talks about falling in love with God and God can change everything for us and our relationship to ourself, our neighbor, and the world. Transcript: What is absolutely foundational is, Ryken talks about falling in love with God. To me that is absolutely foundational. And, of course, I think, too, what’s…[read more]
Brother Edward Driscoll will make an address to the Chapter Delegates at 11 AM (UTC +1). Brother Edward was elected General Superior by the Chapter. This is his first address to the Delegates and his Brothers around the world. He is joined by the newly elected General Council, who will make statements as well. …[read more]
The General Superior, Lawrence Harvey, C.F.X. addressed the General Chapter and affirmed the Description of the Xaverian Charism in the presentation. He also shared a video that attempts to put images to the Description of the Charism as lived by the Brothers.” Click here for a PDF version of Brother Larry’s remarks. At the end…[read more]
Brother René Stockman, FC is the Superior General of the Brothers of Charity. Today he speaks to the Xaverian Brothers at their chapter in Rome on the subject of the religious Brother in the 21st century Reflection Questions: What stands out from this morning’s talk that speaks to our Congregation today? What challenges do we…[read more]
The six conferences by Rob Faesen, SJ were webcast live from Casa LeSalle in Rome, Italy on Tuesday, July 23 and Wednesday, July 24, 2013. Fr. Faesen would like you to have the following materials: click here to download a PDF. ONE ⎪ TWO ⎪ THREE ⎪ FOUR ⎪ FIVE ⎪ SIX CONFERENCE ONE Foundations of…[read more]
The Opening Session of the 27th General Chapter will be webcast live at 4 PM in Rome (Central European Time, UTC +1), Bruges, and Lubumbashi, 5 PM in Nairobi, and at 10 AM Eastern Standard Time in the U.S. This Opening Session will include an introduction by Brother Lawrence Harvey, C.F.X. and an orientation to…[read more]
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