Wisdom and Contempt

“But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!  Yet give attention to your servant’s prayer and his plea for mercy, Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.[read more]

Faithfulness and Justice

They shall be my people, and I will be their God, with faithfulness and justice. Zechariah 8:8 “For the one who is least among all of you is the one who is the greatest.” Luke 9: 48 We are reminded with the words of Zechariah that the God of Israel and our God is a[read more]

Becoming Who We Are

Jonah has been called “the reluctant prophet.” He also had to be one of the most amazed. He was only one day through his call to repentance to the people of Nineveh, when all, from the king on down, recognize and turn from their evil and violent ways and fast and pray in repentance. Jonah, as we know, is deeply upset with the Lord’s readiness to forgive, we can only assume because the prophet himself had clearly not repented of and forsaken his own violence.[read more]

Mercy and Self-Awareness

When the Pharisees saw this, they said to Jesus, “See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath. . . .If you knew what this meant, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned these innocent men.  For the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath.” Matthew, 12:2,8[read more]

Go and Learn

Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning of the words, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice.” I did not come to call the righteous but sinners. Matthew 6: 12-13 For most of my life, I have read, and, I thought, taken to heart the words from Hosea[read more]

Growing in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ

Therefore, beloved, since you are forewarned, be on your guard not to be led into the error of the unprincipled and to fall from your own stability.  But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3; 17-18   The other day something that occurred had agitated[read more]

The Possibility of Forgiveness

“Come closer to me,” Joseph told his brothers. When they had done so, he said: “I am your brother Joseph, whom you once sold into Egypt. But now do not be distressed, and do not reproach yourselves for having sold me here. It was really for the sake of saving lives that God sent me[read more]