One New Person in Place of the Two

For Christ is our peace, He made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his Flesh, abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims, that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two, thus establishing peace, and might reconcile both with God, in one Body,[read more]

Insecurity and Trust

There I shall store all my grain and other goods and I shall say to myself, “Now as for you, you have so many good things stored up for many years, rest, eat, drink, be merry!”  But God said to him, “You fool, this night your life will be demanded of you; and the things[read more]

Truth and Solitude

In Christ we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ. Ephesians 1” 11-12 Jesus began to speak, first to his disciples, “Beware[read more]

Life As Mission

[Jesus] said to them, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.  Go on your way; behold I am sending you like lambs among wolves.  Carry no bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no one along the way.  Into[read more]

The Fruits of the Spirit

Now the works of the flesh are obvious:  immorality, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, rivalry, jealousy, outburst of fury, acts of selfishness, dissensions, factions, occasions of envy, drinking bouts, orgies, and the like.  I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.  In[read more]

Faith Expressing Itself Through Love

For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love. Galatians 5:6 Why do we so often exist at a remote and safe distance from our own actual lives?  Lately a friend and I are finding ourselves pondering why it is that so[read more]

With Me Or Against Me

“Whenever a strong man is fully armed and guards his palace, his possessions are secure.  But when a stronger than him breaks in and wins victory, he strips off the armor on which the man had relied, and distributes his spoils.  The person who is not with me is against me.  The one who does[read more]

Faith and Need

Did you receive the Spirit from works of the law, or from faith in what you heard? Are you so stupid? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now ending with the flesh? Did you experience so many things in vain?—if indeed it was in vain. Does the one who supplies the Spirit to you[read more]

Your Kingdom Come In Us

Jesus said to the disciples: “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom come.” Luke 11:2 Jesus tells us to repent because “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” We are taught throughout the spiritual tradition that we are not to search here or there for God’s kingdom because it is within us. Yet, as[read more]